5 Reasons to Love a Sunday Roast

We had a surprise visit from Sussex sisters and Instagram roast reviewers @Roast_Raters_ who gave our roast beef a great 9/10 review (hey, nobody is perfect) and it got us thinking – what makes a traditional Sunday roast so cockle-warmingly wonderful?

We chatted to the sisters who swear that crispy roast potatoes and the cheesiest Cauliflower Cheese are the way to their hearts, and sure-fire way to hit all our happy buttons.

There’s a lot to love about a good old fashioned Sunday Roast, but we’ve whittled it down to our top five reasons to indulge this Sunday.

1. Great Way to End the Week

You work bloody hard – it’s vital to have downtime. Having someone cook a big, fat Sunday lunch for you (with all the trimmings, please and thank you) is something akin to self care. Not having to do the washing up, or open the wine, is the icing on the cake – wouldn’t you say?

Booking yourself table at your fave pub (that’s us) in advance gives you something to work towards. It is the proverbial dangling carrot that is guaranteed to see you skipping through the week. 

2. It’s Good For You

Speaking of dangly carrots (ooh-er) Sunday lunch is best when it’s an absolute veg fest.

OK, OK, so there are elements of your roast that are considered a treat (we’re looking at your Yorkies) but if you look at the ratio of meat & potato vs seasonal veggies, then we reckon the whole plate balances out as a nutritional win (hooray!)

At the mo, our Sunday vegetables are honey & rosemary roasted carrots & parsnips, pureed red cabbage, and buttered greens. These change with the seasons, but it’s fair to say that winter British veggies are amongst the best you can get (and are brill for your body) so munch away guilt-free.

3. Super Side Kicks

So, there is a feast on plate already, but who can resist a couple of keep-em-coming side dishes? 

Uber-cheesy cauliflower cheese, extra bowls of pigs in blankets (pop them anywhere, mate) and as much stuffing as you can handle. Ramekins of English mustard, mint sauce, horseradish and cranberry sauce bejewel the table scrumptiously.

Pile some of those naughty bits on the side into your Yorkshire Pudding – the bigger and uglier the better – sling on lashings of gravy, and you’ve got yourself a Sunday feast of your absolute dreams. 

4. Time to Come Together

Sunday in the pub is like a big hug. Comfort food, cork-poppingly good wines and your much-loved ones all in one place.

No need to toil away in the kitchen for hours peeling spuds dicing your carrots, or basting your meat – oh no. You can sit down with your nearest & dearest (and the dog) and revel in the hum of happy chitter-chatter.

Getting everyone around the table is important. It’s where you might catch a juicy snippet of gossip from the girls, offer advice to a friend, or to spend some time colouring-in with the little ones. Sunday is for refuelling your body and your soul.

5. Steeped in Tradition

 Back in the olden days, folks would pop their meat into the oven to roast whilst they attended church, letting it cook away whilst they said their prayers. After, everyone would huddle together to enjoy the spoils. Whether you do or don’t attend morning worship at St Margaret’s, the tradition of Sunday lunch lives happily on.

Your hug-yourself happiness at the thought of a proper Sunday Roast might be rooted in your happy childhood memories (or it might be a tradition you’ve started yourself) but there is no doubt that it’s a part of British life and culture that is a blessing. And one we want to keep alive – each and every week.

So, it’s a fact that the Great British Sunday Roast is so much more than just food.

It’s a meal that shapes your day, nicely warms your cockles, that punctuates the end of the week, and (most important of all) it’s one that unites us.

So, what do you say? Fancy booking a table to enjoy for yourself? Let us pour you a glass of bold Malbec to toast to your roast beef, or a crisp Picpoul to pair with your pork, and you’ve got yourself a heavenly Sunday indeed.